Saturday, March 28, 2009


Greetings to one and all:

Here in Georgia anyway, winter has about passed...we therefore are now looking forward to some of those beautiful days, with much sunshine. Of course, I know this may mean little to some, who may be reading this.

I've posted on here a number of times, but each time I do, I don't really know where the blog will end up at. I know that with some who have more experience with blogging this is not the case. Oh!! Well!! I'll learn in time I'd suppose anyway.

So, I'll say a little about myself, just in case you've never read my original blog.
I'm an ordained minister and a full time writer. I have two books published and one which I yet have a bit of editing to do before sending it to the publisher.

Though, the books that I have written so far lean heavily toward Christianity, even so, it is not as though I'm trying to rewrite the Bible, for as we all know that book has already been written, many years ago. Even so, you will not find anything within any of my books that is none scriptural. Saying this, I'm referring to the scriptural part of my books. I do use much imagination in the writing of them though, even so, the scriptural is strictly scriptural. I also usually include some of the Bible just as it is written.

However, I think that I'm getting away from the main issue here: that is: talking about our Lord, and Savior, Jesus, the Christ. In comparison to a conversation about Jesus, everything takes second place, even if that close. Here is hoping your feelings are the same. That is: that your love for our Lord holds top priority within your life. For as we know the Bible says: that it would be better for us that we be either hot or cold...for if we're only luke warm He'll then just spew us out of His mouth. Of course meaning: luke warm will just not get the job done. Luke warm will never get a person inside those home gates.

Why He said: it is better that you be hot of cold: If your hot then you're in with both feet. Or you've made up your mind to serve Jesus come what may...your in for the full duration.

If, however, your Cold, you don't really even have your big toe in, though, you may go to church. If you do go to church, its probably because your wife/husband goes and you go to appease them. You're not going because you have any interest yourself.

In which case it's better to quit pretending and get out into spiritual darkness, and get kicked around a bit, by the prince of darkness. For this will give you a full experience of what hell is going to be like. Also it enlighten you as to what your chosen master (the prince of darkness)is like. This way you may have time to make a wise choice before that final day. That day when you have the words to come to you...the words saying: for you, time shall be no more.

There is no middle ground: that's why Jesus said be either hot or cold, for if you chose a middle ground (only being warm) He will spew you out of his mouth. All of us, as human being, serve one or the other as master. Some are totally sold on the thought that they're their own man or own woman, in the winding up of all things they will learn that they are not and that they never have been. They'll learn that they did have a master in the spiritual realm. So, just hope that you've chose the right one.

Much love, your brother in Christ Jesus.


Galatians 5:21-24 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.

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